Portraits Project
I make a lot of photographs of our family and mostly they are photographs of the everyday. I use a relatively small portable camera and single lens to capture moments and stories that include environment. These are photographs that provide context and do not isolate.
I decided to start a new project that is the opposite of my everyday photography. Using a large format camera and white background that completely removes context, I will make four portraits of each girl twice a year. The girls choose their clothes and poses to express who they are on that day.
I made the first series of portraits yesterday, and I unfortunately made a mistake during development that ruined a single sheet of film. So, Katie Rose has three portraits and Isabelle has four. It will be interesting to see their development over the years.
For anyone interested, these portraits were made with a Shen-Has 4x5 field camera, Nikon 210mm lens, Ilford HP5 rated a little over E.I. 800 and developed for 15 minutes in Kodak XTOL developer diluted 1:1.
The next series of portraits are scheduled for early March, 2020.
Katie Rose - 02 September 2019
Katie Rose - 02 September 2019
Katie Rose - 02 September 2019
Isabelle - 02 September 2019
Isabelle - 02 September 2019
Isabelle - 02 September 2019
Isabelle - 02 September 2019